1. Pick out the name of the author of the book entitled “Tarikh-ul-Khulafa”?
1. Al-Masoodi
2. Suyuti
3. Imam Ghazli (R.A)
4. Kindi
Answer: Suyuti
2. Which book was written by Tabari?
1. Tabqat-ul-Khubara
2. Kitab-ul-Wulat
3. Tarikh-ul-Khulafa
4. Tarikh-ul-Umara Wal Muluk
Answer: Tarikh-ul-Umara Wal Muluk
3. Give the name of of the author of the renowned book entitled “Futuh-ul-Baldan”?
1. Ibn-al-Abbar
2. Al-Baladhuri
3. Yaqoobi
4. Ibn-al-Athir
Answer: Al-Baladhuri
4. Which work has been the main cause of the fame of Ibn Khaldun?
1. Muqaddama
2. Kitab-ul-Futuh
3. Mujam-al-Baldan
4. Non of these
Answer: Muqaddama
5. Which book was written by T.Arnold?
1. Medieval Islam
2. S.F.Mahmood
3. Syed Ameer Ali
4. Bernard Lewis
Answer: Syed Ameer Ali
6. Pick out the name of the author of the book entitled “The Majesty that was Islam”?
1. Cantwell Smith
2. B.Spuler
3. W.M.Watt
4. Montgomery Watt
Answer: Montgomery Watt
7. Who wrote “Short history of Muhammadanism”?
1. P.Mansfield
2. Jamil Ahmed
3. P.K.Hitti
4. K.L.Gaba
Answer: K.L.Gaba
8. Pick out the author of “The Islamic Dynasties”
1. B. Taylor
2. H.A.R. Gibbs
3. J.S. Mill
4. C.E. Bosworth
Answer: C.E. Bosworth
9. Which famous historian wrote “Arab Kingdom and its Fall”?
1. P.K.Hitti
2. Richards Tames
3. Stanely Lane Poole
4. Wellhaussen
Answer: Wellhaussen
10. Which one of the following Books was written by N.L Coulson?
1. Legacy of Islam
2. History of Islamic Law
3. Arabian Medicine
4. The Sufis
Answer: History of Islamic Law
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